Your best weapon in the war against frosty feet and a shivering body, the Goldair Flat Electric Blanket features variable heat settings and a comfortable, tie down design. It is hand washable, allowing you to carefully maintain its beautiful quality.

Designed with You in Mind

Have a Well-rested Sleep

Made from a polyester fabric, the Goldair Flat Electric Blanket offers great durability against daily wear. Not only does it keep you comfortable while sleeping, it also helps you stay warm through the chilly evenings.

Relaxing Warmth

Get a cosy night’s sleep even during the cool winter months, thanks to this flat electric blanket’s 3 different heat settings, which lets you conveniently choose the temperature that is comfortable for you no matter what the season.

Straightforward Settings Configuration

The Goldair Electric Blanket includes a fixed controller, allowing you to adjust its temperature settings with minimal hassle before you go to sleep or when making quick adjustments while you’re resting.

Note: Images shown are for illustrative purposes only.
Product Type Electric Blankets
Brand Goldair
Colour Black and White


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